Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Greece's (Economic) Landscape in the Mist

Following the stand-by rescue package (loan amount attached, finally!) was formally introduced and agreed upon by all Euro-Zone countries and as the mist hanging over the Greek economic landscape appears to be clearing, one might wonder why it took so long for the member countries, particularly Germany, to hash out the terms of the package.

No least, the terms cannot even be described as lenient- any amount loaned to Greece shall be charged at or near market (?) rate, at the insistence of Deutsche Government. Indeed one can even call the terms harsh given that it is to be provided to a fellow member-country who shares a common market place and currency.

One explanation could be that, to use an analogy, it is an expression of tough love meted out by a regimented father figure to a child who has gotten use to irresponsible, lavish lifestyle.

Indeed, the metaphor of father-child relationship used in describing relation between Germany and Greece has previously been explored before: in a film made over 20 years ago by the Greek director Theo Angelopoulos called Landscape in the Mist.

The visually somber yet stunning film tells the melancholic tale of a pair of sister and brother running away from their home (and misery) in Greece in search of their father whom they believe is making a living in Germany. One of the most poignant sequences is the appearance of a tree (symbol of shelter?) in the misty horizon and the siblings, visibly tired after traveling alone for many days, begin to run towards the tree.

To understand the symbolism of economic dependence of peripheral EU countries, such as Greece, on Germany, one has to look at the geo-economical conditions in European countries that make up the Euro zone (i.e. countries that adopt Euro as common currencies) and its predecessors (i.e. European Community (EC) and, prior to that, European Economic Community (EEC). Because of its economic prowess, Germany or, prior to reunification, Western Germany has been the proverbial bread-earner. It has been doing so decade-after-decade by revving its export machine and running current account surpluses. The resultant capital inflows ensure that member countries get to tap funding relatively affordably and they, in turn, are generally running deficits.

Now that amidst the foggy environment- though less so compared to two weeks ago, the vision of a tree has appeared. the question that will be answered in the coming months is: will the shelter, in the form of the rescue package, be within reach and if so, will it provide enough coverage so Greece can get through the necessary reforming efforts and re-emerge as a competent sibling within the EU brethren.

One can certainly do better than looking for answer in the film... as it ends with an open-ending.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Greek Echo

As reported by Bloomberg, it would appear that, as soon as next week, IMF will be formally involved with rescuing the plunging Greek economy. The world markets heaved a collective sigh of relief on Friday, as Euro and Greek bond prices rebounded from their week's lows.

One has to remember, however, that rather signaling as the end of the crisis, the combined efforts of IMF and EU to provide much needed finance and supports in economic restructuring merely mark the end of a chapter in an epic novel.

For one, Greece will have to go through the painful reforms as prescribed by IMF which depends on the political will of the government and the supports of its people.

Then, there is the contagious ripple effect. The Asian Financial Crisis is the case in point. Initially targeting the Thai baht as its peg to US Dollar did not reflect Thailand's economic position, market participants quickly trained their focus on its neighbouring East Asian economies after the baht was forced off the peg and IMF agreed to provide emergency funding in the Summer of 1997. Over the next 12 months, from Indonesia, The Philippines , South Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia to Singapore, currencies and stock markets of each of these countries, one after another, were under attack.

It will therefore be very interesting to see if the episodes of the Tom Yum Goong Crisis in 1997 will be repeated and, if so, which market(s) will the Greek Echo reverberate through next? Afterall (and befittingly), the word echo came from the Greek mythology.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Greek Dilemma

After the Easter break, Greece is again staring into the economic abyss. It is caught between deciding whether to swallow the restructuring medicines as prescript by its EU peers and IMF or to default on its debt obligation thereby earning some reprieve for a more gradual recovery course. The trade-off is between acute economic shock and international standing.

In a recent article , The Economist examined the two options, using past precedents. And it seems that defaulting, as undesirable as it sounds, could bring about positive outcome if executed properly (even though it concluded, in the case of Greece, such will not be the case).

The analysis brings to mind a line in an recent episode of FlashForward- When deciding if the team should skip the protocol and move forward with an investigation, an CIA agent said:

"It is sometimes easier to ask for forgiveness than permission."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Canary is Singing

After a v-shaped rebound witnessed over the past 12 months, it seems that the world economy is finally hitting a road block . Bloomberg reported on 31 March that European inflation rate, at 1.5%, is hitting its fastest pace since December 2008 while unemployment rate breached double digits for the first time since August 2008.

As Europe, and the world's other major economies, keeps interest rate at historical low and maintains high level of fiscal spending without tackling the structural reform of the economy, stagflation will return.

The canary has begun to sing.